Data Mastery.

It’s easy to say that you’re a ‘world leading’ enterprise.
It’s much harder to back it up.
But we genuinely believe that we’re a world-leading enterprise when it comes to analysing the $13tn market for public procurement.
The reason?
Because we have world-beating data scientists and analysts.
Each of them is a master of their craft.
They care deeply about getting the data into the best shape possible, but most of all, they care about using the data to make a positive difference in the world.
We’re building a database to understand the world’s purchasing, but our real goal is to make sure that money is spent delivering better services for citizens.
From Erin who oversees the loading bays to Dora and Panka who subject the data to rigorous testing, and David who augments the data, each of them obsesses about getting the data right.
They know what’s at stake.
So we won’t ever tell you that the data is better than it is, or that we have more than we really do and we’ll always back up our findings.
We work in the open, we give data to researchers and encourage others to query our methods and our choices.
That makes us better. Every day our Masters are learning.
That’s what makes us a ‘world leading’ enterprise.
Here’s some of the why:
→ We run the largest open database of tenders and contracts in the world
→ We’ve built the most advanced procurement classification tool in the world
→ We’ve built the first gender pay gap analysis for government contracting.
We have a range of govenrment procurement data products available to suit any budget.Get in touch to find out more.