Our Partnership With Open Contracting

-Ian Makgill, Founder, Spend Network
We’re passionate advocates for contracting transparency. Not just because it makes it harder for corrupt officials and their partners, but also because there’s good evidence that it makes public markets more competitive and more efficient.
That’s why we work so closely with the Open Contracting Partnership, they’re the ones doing the heavy lifting on transparency. They’ve developed a sophisticated and essential data standard to allow for consistent publication of contracting data and they spend their days pressing Governments to publish their contracting data.
Their work is so important. When Governments are spending $13trn a year with suppliers, it is right to want to know more about how that money is being spent and whether it is delivering the best outcomes for citizens.
As the largest publisher of the Open Contracting Data Standard in the world, we’re able to provide analysis and research to the Open Contracting Partnership, helping them to better understand what is happening in public contracting.
And we’re proud to work with them, to support their journey and to make a small contribution towards a future where every public contract in the world is freely and easily accessible to all.
If we can help with access to government contracts, get in touch.