
From Raw Data to Strategic Insights: Government Procurement Potential

Data-driven decision-making in the realm of government procurement has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. The mountains of raw data generated through procurement processes holds untapped potential to drive efficiency, transparency, and optimal resource allocation. This article explores the journey from raw data to strategic insights, showcasing how governments can maximise their procurement potential. The Data ...

EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation Go Live: Impact on Public Procurement Bidding

Adopted in December 2022, the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) addresses the European Union (EU) internal market distortion caused by foreign subsidies. This regulation closes the regulatory gap concerning subsidies from foreign states, which was not covered by EU State aid rules applicable to EU countries. The notification obligations under the updated FSR came into force ...

Transparency in Global Public Procurement

Transparency is a cornerstone of accountable and responsible governance, particularly in public procurement. Ensuring procurement transparency is a matter of ethical governance and a catalyst for efficiency, fair competition, and economic growth. But the role of transparency in public procurement extends beyond ethical governance; it contributes to the creation of equitable and competitive markets. Here are five ...

EU’s First Joint Defence Procurement Deal

The European Parliament has taken a significant step in enhancing the defence industry and international relations with its first-ever joint procurement agreement for defence. Named the European Defence Industry Reinforcement through Common Procurement Agreement (EDIRPA), this project was initiated in response to the war in Ukraine. Combating Fragmentation of Demand EDIRPA seeks to address the long-standing fragmentation ...

Using Data To Transform Government Procurement

Data-driven transformation is reshaping government procurement by enabling a shift from reactive to proactive decision-making. Here are some of the ways data is supporting that shift. Transparency and Accountability Data strengthens transparency and accountability through real-time monitoring and reporting. Governments can monitor procurement processes in real-time using data analytics. This transparency ensures compliance with regulations, reduces fraud, and ...

Revolutionising Government Procurement with Predictive Analytics

The realm of government procurement is undergoing an evolution. Predictive analytics, an approach to harnessing data insights, is changing how governments approach procurement processes. This article explores the impact of analytics on government procurement, highlighting how it enhances efficiency, transparency, and strategic resource allocation. The Power of Predictive Analytics in Government Procurement Predictive analytics involves leveraging historical data, ...

How Data Can Revolutionise Government Procurement

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern governance and economics, data has emerged as the new currency driving strategic decision-making and policy formulation.  Government procurement, traditionally viewed as a bureaucratic process, has undergone a paradigm shift as the potential of data to revolutionise procurement becomes increasingly apparent. This is where blending data science with procurement turns data ...

Collaborative Procurement: A Path to Efficiency?

Collaborative procurement strategies have emerged as a powerful tool for driving efficiency, cost savings, and impactful outcomes. We've covered examples of collaborative procurement strategies previously, in the construction industry, and with European joint ammunition procurement. Collaborative procurement involves multiple governments or public entities joining forces to pool resources, share expertise, and collectively negotiate contracts with suppliers. This ...

Navigating Government Procurement Data: Tips for Beginners

Whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional, tapping into the valuable resource of government procurement data is a goldmine for exporters, consultancies and government suppliers. Government procurement data includes a range of information related to the purchasing activities of public sector entities, at all levels of government. It includes details about contracts, suppliers, products or services ...

Demystifying Government Procurement Data: The Path to Transparency

Government procurement, represents a significant portion of public spending, in fact, globally, the total government procurement spend sits at $13 trillion (USD). Transparency, efficiency, and equitable allocation of resources are key focus areas for government spending, and the shift to governments embracing procurement data to improve transparency and make better informed decisions, continues. In this article, we ...

The EU Supply Chain Act is Coming – Are You Ready?

The European Union will soon require thousands of large companies to actively identify and reduce human rights abuses and environmental damage in their supply chains. This new EU regulation will also cover foreign businesses with operations in the region, including American companies. The European Parliament approved a draft of the rules in June, 2023. Now EU members ...

Using Government Procurement  Data for Association Growth

Trade associations play a pivotal role in fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and collective growth among businesses operating within specific industries. As these associations navigate the evolving business landscape, government procurement data has become an increasingly useful tool to assist associations. Here are a few ways it can help. Unlocking Insights through Government Procurement Data Government procurement represents a substantial economic ...

Enhancing Export Strategies through Government Procurement Data

While traditional methods of market analysis and trade agreements remain vital to export agencies, the role of data-driven insights from government procurement data is emerging as a powerful tool to shape and enhance export strategies. Government procurement, the process by which public authorities purchase goods and services, represents a $13 Trn (USD) global market opportunity. By delving ...

Procurement Disruption Continues

The disruption in traditional procurement continues around the world, with many countries moving towards digitising their government procurement processes. E-procurement platforms are being implemented to streamline the purchasing process, reduce paperwork, and enhance transparency. This transformation aims to make procurement more efficient and accessible for both suppliers and government agencies. So too, artificial intelligence and automation are ...

Zombie Tenders Continue To Rise

Public sector contracting in Europe continues to demonstrate worrying levels of uncompetitive tendering. Across 2022/23 nearly one in three reported contracts were let having received just one bid. This amounted to nearly half a million contracts, with many more contracts unreported, this number could be higher still. We call these zombie tenders and it is worth putting them ...
